Degenerate bodies. Nude in the photographs of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp


  • Paula Martos Ardid Complutense University of Madrid



Nakedness, Photographies, Nazi Concentration Camps, Gender Identities, Dehumanization


The naked bodies are central in photographs of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp taken by AFPU in order to portray the “degenerated bodies” inside the horror facilities. This centrality is not just a consequence of the essential nudity of the inmates; that nakedness is also a finest tool to represent the pathos of suffering within a background of atrocities. Specially, nakedness shows accurately the degeneration/desexualization degree reached by the bodies exposed to Nazi violence.


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How to Cite

Martos Ardid, P. (2016). Degenerate bodies. Nude in the photographs of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Alcores: Revista De Historia Contemporánea, (19), 57–75.


