The recurring importance of territories

Regions and the history of the European state


  • Michael Keating European University Institute (EUI, Florence) - University of Aberdeen



Nation-state, integration, territorial policy, region


History and political science have focused largely on the nation-state. Modernist teleology has often intermingled concepts of state integration, societal evolution and socioeconomic progress. The nation-state is presented, analytically, as the inevitable product of historical progress and, normatively, as the bearer of modernity and liberal and democratic values. The upsurge of territorial policies is interpreted as evidence of retarded modernization or as reversion to the past. In recent years, challenges to the state from below (at regional level) and from above (through globalization and European integration) have highlighted the historically contingent nature of the nation-state. This has stimulated scholars not only to look at the present and at the future, but also to reinterpret the past. The form of territorial policies has changed through time, but they have never disappeared. This gives rise to two considerations. The first is analytical and presents a new way of considering the State and the regions. The second is normative and explores the way in which new forms of thinking about history can throw new light on the process of legitimizing political authority.


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How to Cite

Keating, Michael. 2007. “The Recurring Importance of Territories: Regions and the History of the European State”. Alcores: Revista De Historia Contemporánea, no. 2 (June):37-56.


