Presentation. The local turn
local turn, culture, territory, identity, regionAbstract
Recently the turn refered to the historic space, called «local turn», «spacial turn» or «territorial turn» has been added to the last linguistic, cultural, microhistorical and genre turns. At the moment, the territorial problem is of high actuality in general in the European historical discourse, and, in particular, in the German and Spanish historical discourses, as a consequence of the clash between global and local, between nation-states and regions. The article particularly emphasises local space as a cultural environment where particular historical experience is born, as a lived and occupied place where first identities are formed, and from where subjects perceive themselves and perceive the world. It is a local, spacial or territorial dimension which does not refer to the space of a town or to a local perspective, but it is rather an anthropological conception of the space as the own cultural construction of a subject in a particular time and place. Mental maps, places which are in the memory, lived and imagined places, cultural worlds of the small homeland and humanized territories create cultural spaces which have been historically built with the perceptions and the representations of the conscious subjets who live in them, and also with values and imaginaries linked to spaces and towns, but that end up influencing all dimensions. Local is analized, not as a scale of observation but as a significative analitic category, with it’s own explanatory capacity, which is anthropological and not territorial, and cultural but not special.
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