The Spanish Civil War as a War of Religion
religious violence, crusade, Spanish Civil war, war of religion, anticlericalism, Catholic ChurchAbstract
The early twenty-first West is uncomfortable with religious violence, explaining it as anachronism or ‘fanaticism’. Yet, religious conflict was a determining part of the Spanish Civil War. This article argues both that violence is fundamental to the idea of crusade and that a war of religion erupted spontaneously after 18 July. The processes of holy war and anticlerical onslaught occurred simultaneously and, in some ways, symbiotically. The war of religion should thus be located within lived experience: the Nationalist Crusade was underpinned by intimate and personal religious feelings. A crucial component of the Crusade was thus religious revival, a transformative experience that created a parallel dynamic to fascism. And, like the fascist dynamic, the Crusade was suffocated by combined weight of church and state that brought it under official control.
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