About the Journal

Alcores is the name with which Machado refers to the hills that, coloured in one way or another, inhabit the fields of Castile. And Alcores is also the title of this journal of Contemporary History from whose pages we aim to peer into the horizon of a near or not excessively distant past. Promoted by the Fermín Carnero Foundation with the collaboration of the Contemporary History Areas of the public universities of Castilla y León —Burgos, León, Salamanca and Valladolid—, the journal aspires to become a plural publication, in which all historiographical approaches that are presented with scientific rigour have a place. Alcores does not restrict its scope to any specific geographical area, although the presence of Castilian and Leonese themes will be constant.

The journal Alcores, which has been published since 2006, is included in the databases and platforms MIAR (ICDS 2021: 3.7), ISOC-CSIC, DICE, the Latindex catalogue and Dialnet. According to the impact index of the beta version of Dialnet Metrics, which takes into account the number of citations, in 2021 it was ranked in the 3rd quartile of Modern and Contemporary History journals (27th out of 39) and in the 2nd quartile of all History journals (135th out of 300). In 2020 it was ranked in the 3rd quartile and in 2019 in the 2nd quartile in both lists.

In RESH, it was ranked 9th out of 44 Modern and Contemporary History journals in 2009 according to expert opinion (calculated from a survey of more than 10,000 university professors and researchers, with a response rate of 45.6%).